Friday 27 September 2013

Win the hearts.

How do you win the hearts of people? You don't do it by being rude and you don't do it by being harsh but you do it by being kind and merciful to people. In this post I will explain a quick overview of good character by describing the physical apperance of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). There is nobody better that I can think of nor speak of as it is said in the Qur'an that he is ontop of good chracter. Not having good character but ontop of it and the Arabic which is used means to basically place something on. So to place a cup on a table or to place a book on a desk so to use it to visualize this then the desk would be good character and the Prophet(Peace be upon him) would be ontop of it. The english translations of the Qur'an are only 50% or less to the actual meaning of the Qur'an. Someone can not truly grasp it nor understand it unless they know Arabic and even then the Arabs must learn Arabic as the Arabic alone is extremely profound.

Brief description and it's ties with good character: The Prophet(Peace be upon him) was very awe inspiring when a person saw him. He was taller than a moderate build but not exceedingly tall; he was of middle height that inclined towards height. He was not dark brown or black nor was he pasty white. He was light skinned with a reddish hint or a brownish hint to him, his eye lashes were long and beautiful where one would think he had put kohl on his eyes but he didn't. His hair was not straight nor was his hair curly but it was wavy. He didn't speak slow or fast and his words weren't short nor were they long but he spoke just the right amount for people to want more and be content. Everything about him was middle and not to one extreme. From this one can understand that they should be middle in character. One should be mild and not extreme, never extremely angry nor extremely sad nor extremely happy. If a person is very happy then they are let down they will feel more sadness and hurt, if a person is extreme in sadness then they will go into depression, and if a person is extreme in anger then they will say or do that which they will regret. His skin colour was moderate and from this one can take that racism is evil as people with lighter skin might feel they are better or people with darker skin may feel they are better and this still happens in our time. He was of middle colour and so all types of people wouldn't feel pride about being a certain way. He was awe inspiring, clean, and handsome. His wife A'isha(RA) had stated if these women saw him then they would cut their hearts. This shows a big part of good character is keeping oneself clean and maintaing apperance but not for people. I will elaborate much more on good character in future posts! Have a great day!