Monday, 18 November 2013

{4} After The Passing Away of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

     The Companions (May Allah Be Pleased with them all) with the Permission of Allah, spread Islam all around the world. 

     Masjid Guangzhou was the first Masjid built in China. Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas (RadiAllahu anhu) had traveled to China a time after the passing away of Prophet Muhammad (Sallahu 'Alayhi Wa Salam) to spread Islam. Sa'd (RadiAllahu anhu) built this Masjid and it is still in China today. ( The mosque in the picture )

    Islam spread and not by the sword as some like to say. There is no compulsion in religion. When 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab (RadiAllahu anhu) conquered Jerusalem he didn't enslave anybody of other faiths nor did he wreck or destroy their churches or synagogues. In Islam when the land is under Islamic rule then there is complete justice between all people. Muslim and Non-Muslims. Muslims aren't allowed to cheat any Non-Muslim in business transactions and if a product is faulty or has anything wrong with it then we must tell the consumer about it and there are many stories of equality, rights, and justice. 

   Al-Andalus which is known as Muslim Spain was thriving with discoveries that till this day are a means to benefit Western society. I remember a teacher in one of my classes last year even telling the class that Muslims basically discovered a lot of things that benefit much people. Some products that were introduced to the West were: paper, cotton, glass mirrors, street lamps, salt, coloured glass, silk, pepper,  cinnamon, handkerchiefsdeodorant, carrasyn, linen, firearms, cotton balls, paper money, postage stamps, book binding, clocks, ceramic tiles, nitric acid, soap, astro labs, compasses for navigation, slide rules, rulers, surgical instruments, wind mills, spinning wheels, rose water, globes, maps, test tubes, eye glasses, porcelain, and much more.   Founded algebra, symbols and equation, Arabic numeral system which is used world wide today ( 0123456789) , establishment of algorism ( The Arabic ( or decimal ) system of numeration ), foundation of trigonomic ratios, calculus, and trigonometry all have a debt to Islam. In Muslim Spain they also described the center of gravity. Gravity was described in much detail long before Isaac Newton spoke about gravity. Describe the mechanical properties of geometric bodies, developed the lever, measured gravity of different substances, introduce the atomic theory of matter, manufacturing of soap, perfumes, oils, paints, paper, and sugar, introduce the uses of tubes, scales, flasks. In astronomy they named over 200 stars with Arabic names, proved the earth being a spherical shape, determined the circumference and diameter of the earth, charted positions and orbit of stars and planets. In medicine gynocology was performed, medical encyclopedias were written, description of pulmonary circulation, the function of lungs, surgical treatment of eyes, teeth, and ears, and much more.

    Today Islam is rapidly growing around the world. I know many people from the UK who have showed me newspapers, articles, and so on about the rapid growth of Islam. At KCI as well I've noticed in the past few years that more people have a certain inclination towards Islam and a girl who went to school with me last year but goes to Wilfrid Laurier now has recently accepted Islam. Prophet Muhammad  ﷺ had told us that every hundred years Allah Will Send one man who will renew for  ( The Ummah { The Muslim Nation} ) it's religion. Nothing new is added to Islam though because The Prophet ﷺ had explained to us that if there was any innovation in the religion then it's rejected.

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  Well, we now come to an end of blog posts on this account. I apologize for not being able to explain things in more detail as I haven't done justice to the topics which I've discussed about. Many insult Prophet Muhammad ﷺ or make up rumours about him, or they take lots of things out of context. There's many things like that on the internet and so on but I leave with giving an example that I've heard from a knowledgeable man. At night when the dogs bark at the moon...  the moon is not harmed by their barking but it still shines and what is reflected from it helps us to see what is light within the darkness. 

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