Monday 18 November 2013

{4} After The Passing Away of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

     The Companions (May Allah Be Pleased with them all) with the Permission of Allah, spread Islam all around the world. 

     Masjid Guangzhou was the first Masjid built in China. Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas (RadiAllahu anhu) had traveled to China a time after the passing away of Prophet Muhammad (Sallahu 'Alayhi Wa Salam) to spread Islam. Sa'd (RadiAllahu anhu) built this Masjid and it is still in China today. ( The mosque in the picture )

    Islam spread and not by the sword as some like to say. There is no compulsion in religion. When 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab (RadiAllahu anhu) conquered Jerusalem he didn't enslave anybody of other faiths nor did he wreck or destroy their churches or synagogues. In Islam when the land is under Islamic rule then there is complete justice between all people. Muslim and Non-Muslims. Muslims aren't allowed to cheat any Non-Muslim in business transactions and if a product is faulty or has anything wrong with it then we must tell the consumer about it and there are many stories of equality, rights, and justice. 

   Al-Andalus which is known as Muslim Spain was thriving with discoveries that till this day are a means to benefit Western society. I remember a teacher in one of my classes last year even telling the class that Muslims basically discovered a lot of things that benefit much people. Some products that were introduced to the West were: paper, cotton, glass mirrors, street lamps, salt, coloured glass, silk, pepper,  cinnamon, handkerchiefsdeodorant, carrasyn, linen, firearms, cotton balls, paper money, postage stamps, book binding, clocks, ceramic tiles, nitric acid, soap, astro labs, compasses for navigation, slide rules, rulers, surgical instruments, wind mills, spinning wheels, rose water, globes, maps, test tubes, eye glasses, porcelain, and much more.   Founded algebra, symbols and equation, Arabic numeral system which is used world wide today ( 0123456789) , establishment of algorism ( The Arabic ( or decimal ) system of numeration ), foundation of trigonomic ratios, calculus, and trigonometry all have a debt to Islam. In Muslim Spain they also described the center of gravity. Gravity was described in much detail long before Isaac Newton spoke about gravity. Describe the mechanical properties of geometric bodies, developed the lever, measured gravity of different substances, introduce the atomic theory of matter, manufacturing of soap, perfumes, oils, paints, paper, and sugar, introduce the uses of tubes, scales, flasks. In astronomy they named over 200 stars with Arabic names, proved the earth being a spherical shape, determined the circumference and diameter of the earth, charted positions and orbit of stars and planets. In medicine gynocology was performed, medical encyclopedias were written, description of pulmonary circulation, the function of lungs, surgical treatment of eyes, teeth, and ears, and much more.

    Today Islam is rapidly growing around the world. I know many people from the UK who have showed me newspapers, articles, and so on about the rapid growth of Islam. At KCI as well I've noticed in the past few years that more people have a certain inclination towards Islam and a girl who went to school with me last year but goes to Wilfrid Laurier now has recently accepted Islam. Prophet Muhammad  ﷺ had told us that every hundred years Allah Will Send one man who will renew for  ( The Ummah { The Muslim Nation} ) it's religion. Nothing new is added to Islam though because The Prophet ﷺ had explained to us that if there was any innovation in the religion then it's rejected.

 My new blogging account is on wordpress! Just search up my name and it should pop up!

  Well, we now come to an end of blog posts on this account. I apologize for not being able to explain things in more detail as I haven't done justice to the topics which I've discussed about. Many insult Prophet Muhammad ﷺ or make up rumours about him, or they take lots of things out of context. There's many things like that on the internet and so on but I leave with giving an example that I've heard from a knowledgeable man. At night when the dogs bark at the moon...  the moon is not harmed by their barking but it still shines and what is reflected from it helps us to see what is light within the darkness. 

{3} Passing Away of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

The grave of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in Madinah.
    "Muhammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]? And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allah at all; but Allah will reward the grateful. " ( Surah 'Ali 'Imran {Family of Imran} : 144 )

      A'isha (May Allah Be Pleased wit her) put the head of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ on her lap and she was stroking her fingers through his hair and she was rubbing his forehead. Fatimah (May Allah Be Pleased with her) the daughter of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ came in crying and he saw her crying so he called her over and he brought her close and whispered to her and told her that after today he ﷺ won't be suffering anymore and she began to cry even more. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ brought her closer and told her that she would be joining him ﷺ soon and at hearing this she began to laugh. ( Shortly after Prophet Muhammad ﷺ passed away, Fatimah (RadiAllahu anha) also passed away. ) @7:38 and on speaks of the passing away of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. ( The speaker sounds is crying while giving the lecture )

     A'isha (RadiAllahu anha) narrates that she felt his ﷺ arm become limp and his head become heavy. The head of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ then turned towards her and she screamed and so more of the companions (May Allah Be Pleased with them all) got to know of the information. 

Tuesday 12 November 2013

{2} Last Days in the life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

 Outside and inside the mosque that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and the companions built. It's been redone over the years with gold and more. Located in Madinah.

     The last days in the life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ became very ill to the point where he ﷺ couldn't walk to his own home and when he went to the house of A'isha (RadiAllahu anha) then his body became so hot that he was put in a tub of cold water. The Prophet ﷺ then also tied his head after his temperature went down so that the pressure would subside his headache as he ﷺ was also afflicted with a severe headache. The Prophet ﷺ then sat infront of the companions (May Allah Be Pleased with them all) at the mosque and he ﷺ asked them if he owes them any money. One companion stood up and said that he ﷺ owes him 3 dirhams which wasn't much money. So The Prophet ﷺ had the man get the amount he needed. Then The Prophet ﷺ asked the companions if he's ﷺ ever hit any of them and then he ﷺ lifted up his shirt and told them to get their right. If he's ﷺ hit them then now is the time for them to go and hit him back and nobody got up. Then The Prophet ﷺ asked them if he's ever hurt their feelings and nobody responded and so he ﷺ left and went back home. He ﷺ was still suffering from the fever so much so that he ﷺ would go in and out of consciousness. One day the companions (May Allah Be Pleased with them all) were waiting for The Prophet ﷺ to lead the prayer and he was getting up and he fainted. When he ﷺ had woken up he asked A'isha (RadiAllahu anha) if they had prayed and she told him that they are waiting for him and when he tried to get up again he fainted. That's when he ﷺ appointed his best friend to lead the prayer.
Later that day he ﷺ was sitting again and he was giving the companions advice. He ﷺ was telling them not to oppress people that work for them, treat their women kindly and not to be negligent of their women, and that Allah has Given one of His servants the choice between that which is on this earth and that which is near to Allah and that His servant has chosen that which is near to Allah. Nobody knew who he ﷺ was speaking of except for his best friend who had then burst out into tears. The companion who narrates the hadith stated that none of them knew what he ﷺ was talking about but when they saw Abu Bakr (RadiAllahu anhu) crying they realized and they also began to cry. The Prophet ﷺ then returned back to his home and that was the last time he had left his home.
There's also a hadith narrated that they were praying and they saw The Prophet ﷺ look at them and he smiled and they almost broke their prayer but he motioned for them to continue and after some time he passed away.

Narrated 'Aisha: (the wife of the Prophet) Allah's Apostle said, "No calamity befalls a Muslim but that Allah expiates some of his sins because of it, even though it were the prick he receives from a thorn." 

This is a video which speaks about the farewell that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ gave to a close companion (RadiAllahu anhu) who was leaving the country.

This is also a video about the hadith where Prophet Muhammad ﷺ wishes he could've seen those who will follow him after he has passed and they will believe without having seen him.

Both videos are from lectures.

Monday 11 November 2013

{1} Conquer of Makkah

     After the Muslims made the second migration which was now to Madinah (Medina) and lived in Madinah for a chunk of their lives then many had accepted Islam and had helped Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in battles and even more. The people of Makkah had been difficult to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ for 20 years of his life, they had persecuted him and tortured him, they had slandered him by calling him a liar, they had killed his family members and he ﷺ had four daughters, they had laughed at him when his son Ibrahim passed away as an infant, they tried to assassinate him ﷺ numerous amounts of times, tortured the companions (May Allah Be Pleased with them all) male and female, they had kicked him out of his city and home town, and more. After 20 years of persecution Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was now entering Makkah (Mecca) with a huge army of Muslims that the people of Quraysh hadn't seen before. The Prophet ﷺ entered into Makkah at the back of the army and he was bowing down to Allah. He ﷺ was bowing so low that the narration mentions his ﷺhead was almost bouncing off the back of the animal that he was riding. This shows humility with victory rather than arrogance with victory. The people of Makkah were gathered infront of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and they were pleading and crying with him ﷺ to not do to them what they had done to him ﷺ. This was a chance for revenge, after 20 years of torture then a person would expect so much anger to be built up inside but instead The Prophet ﷺ told the people what Prophet Yusuf (Peace be upon him) (Joseph) said to his brothers. Basically there is no grudge with them today. The Prophet ﷺ forgave the people who harmed him. 
     Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the Muslims were going to the Ka'ba and a companion who wasn't Muslim yet named 'Uthman ibn Talha. 'Uthman locked the doors of the Ka'ba and he ran to the roof of The Ka'ba and he hid there. Most people were accepting Islam as The Prophet ﷺ was entering Makkah. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ asked the people for the key and they said it is with 'Uthman ibn Talha and they found him on top of The Ka'ba. The son in law of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ named 'Ali (May Allah Be Pleased with him) told him to give the key but 'Uthman basically stated he didn't believe Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was a Prophet because if he did then he would've opened the door. 'Ali(RadiAllahu anhu) snatched the key from 'Uthman and The Prophet ﷺ prayed 2 units of Salah inside The Ka'ba. After he ﷺ finished then the uncle of The Prophet ﷺ named 'Abbas (RadiAllahu anhu) asked to have the key because they would have two honours which are pouring the water for those who come for Hajj and the other is to open and close and lock the door of The Ka'ba when it is necessary. Then an Ayah of The Qur'an was Revealed to The Prophet 

"Indeed, Allah Commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah Instructs you. Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing." (Surah An-Nisa {The Women} : 58 ) 

Immediately Prophet Muhammad ﷺ got up and gave the key to 'Ali (RadiAllahu anhu) and told him to return it to 'Uthman and to excuse himself for the manner in which he snatched the key. 'Ali (RadiAllahu anhu) did so and 'Uthman was surprised. He was wondering how 'Ali (RadiAllahu anhu)  was harming him and came to him a few moments ago harshly and now he was giving him back the key so humbly so he wanted to know why. 'Ali (RadiAllahu anhu) told 'Uthman that Allah had Revealed regarding him Qur'an. Allah Instructed Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to give the trust to whom it belongs to and so the key is being given to him again. 'Uthman at hearing this accepted Islam. It was then Revealed to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ through Jibreel that the key of The Ka'ba will remain in his progeny and family  of 'Uthman until The Day Of Judgement. Today the key of The Ka'ba is still in the family members of 'Uthman (RadiAllahu anhu) , the police are a means of protecting the family members of 'Uthman (RadiAllahu anhu) today that have the key. 

   The day that Makkah was conquered is filled with much more but the length of this blog is a means of making me not include a lot of them. The next post will be about the last days in the life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and then I will post a video that speaks about when Prophet Muhammad ﷺ passed away to culminate the blogs on this account but I will continue making blogs on Wordpress.

Tuesday 5 November 2013


      O reader, when you read the title of this then what came into your mind? Was it the thought of material wealth? Was it status, the PHD professor vs. the janitor? Perhaps it was the life style of the affluent compared to the lifestyle of the indigent? O person who is reading, know that you will one day meet your appointed time and when you do then all of this will stay behind and you will be within the earth. So who is the person that is impoverished? 

     Material poverty is without a doubt poverty but it is poverty in the terms of what we see with our eyes and not poverty of what we cannot see. Those of us who can see will see the person who is rich and the person who is poor and this is only one form of poverty that many have taken to be the all in all form of poverty. Rather poverty is being impoverished from having character. There may be the richest person from amoung the people but that person whether it be a male or a female wouldn't show off to people but they would use their wealth for the better of others and society. Whereas there can be the person who is the poorest from amoung the people and he treats people bad, he fights with other people, and he is egocentric in personality. Also there could be the person who goes to a university and a person who goes to a college or even two people going to different universities. The person who goes to such and such university thinks they are better than the other person who goes to such and such university. The professor with the PHD who could feel he is better than the person who collects garbage. This would be intellectual arrogance and there is no doubt that arrogance is poison to the heart that burns the goodness from the heart only to leave it being that which is harder than rock. The PHD professor could be doing less for society compared to the garbage man. The PHD professor would be teaching the youth but when he goes home he is rude with his wife, he doesn't spend time with her or his children, he treats others in society harshly, he doesn't give to the beggar who asks him for little. On the other hand the garbage man is picking up the garbage from the sidewalks and he does so happily, he treats the people in society kindly, he is good to his wife and he spends time with her, he is a good father and his children love him, what he knows that has value then he teaches it. Out of these two the person who is impoverished is the PHD professor. 
      Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) had the poor with him and he had the rich with him and he was just with both and he did not harm any of them. There was no class wars amoung the people where the rich felt they were superior than the poor because people weren't judged on material wealth but on internal wealth. Internal wealth is the character. The poorest of the people can be the richest of the people and the richest of the people can be the poorest of the people. The rich companions and the poor companions didn't look down on one another in any way when it came to material wealth. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) would never say no to a person if they asked him for something and he would feed about 70 of the poor a day. These poor companions went on to being scholars and rulers of people. An example is the companion named Salman Al-Farsi (May Allah Be Pleased with him) who went on to being the ruler of Persia. Abu Huraira (May Allah Be Pleased with him) who is known for narrating numerous hadith to the people. 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab (May Allah Be Pleased with him) who was the second Caliph. The Leader of The Believers. (This was after the death of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) ). 'Umar heard a crying coming from a tent and he went to it and a man came out and stated that his wife was giving birth. 'Umar wanted to know if anyone was tending to her. The poor man let him know that nobody was tending to his wife who was giving birth. 'Umar ran home and got his wife Umm Kulthoom and they both came back to the scene. 'Umar told the man to light a fire and so the man did and then he began to cook this poor family food while Umm Kulthoom helped the woman deliver the child. When the child was born Umm Kulthoom (May Allah Be Pleased with her) cried out to The Leader of The Believers to congratulate them that it is a baby boy. The man then knew that 'Umar was the leader and he then became intimidated. 'Umar gave him the food and told the man to feed his wife and the man was worried because of whose presence he was in. The poor man asked what would happen to him because he was worried and 'Umar then told the man to come to him the next day and he will give him the stipend (child benefit for his child). 

      Impoverished people are those whose wallets are full but their hearts are empty and the rich are people whose hearts are full while their wallets may be empty or full. Allah Loves beauty and so if He has Given someone wealth then they can use their money to buy nice things but they should know that money will come out of their wealth for the poor every year (zakat) and they shouldn't be people who hoard their wealth to themselves because Allah Can take it away from them and that is Easy for Him. Material objects should be in the palms not in the hearts. Everyone is going through tests on this earth. The poor go through them with poverty and the rich go through them with wealth. 

Monday 4 November 2013

Zait (Zay-t) (Olive Oil) and Zanjabil (Zaan-jaa-beel) (Ginger)

    "Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things." {24:35)

    At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah narrated that Abu Hurairah related from The Prophet (Peace be upon him) that he said: "Eat the Zait and use it as an ointment, because it is produced by a blessed tree." 

     Zait is hot and wet in it's first degree and it's quality differs on the trees. The best type of olive oil would be when it is squeezed from ripe olives whereas if the olives are squeezed when unripe then the oil will be cold and dry. Red olives would be a means for something that is in between this and black olives would be a means for something that is hot and wet. Zait is is good for many things and amoung them is that it is good for the skin as it makes the skin softer and it is a means for one to look younger. Zait helps against poisons, it is a good laxative, and it is a means of riding the body from worms. If aged then it leans towards being hot and decomposing, When mixed with water it turns less hot, milder, and ibn Qayyim writes that it is then more beneficial. If salty water is blended with oil then it helps burned skin against blistering. 

"And they will be given to drink a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of ginger" {76:17}

                              This Ayah is speaking of what will happen to people in Jannah (Paradise). The Qur'an is extremely detailed when describing Paradise and The Fire which is black.  

     The Companion named Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri (May Allah Be Pleased with him) said, "Ginger is hot in the second degree and wet in the first degree. It heats the body, helps the ingestion process, softens the stomach mildly, helps open the clogs of the liver that are caused by coldness and wetness and helps against the wetness that causes that causes sight impairment, when it is eaten or used as kohl. Ginger in addition strengthens the sexual power and decomposes the thick gases accumulating in the intestines and stomach." 

     If zanjabil is taken with two measures of sugar and hot water then it is a good laxative that is a means of riding the body of harmful excrements. Zanjabil is also effective in ointments that dissolve phlegm. Sour zanjabil is hot and dry and it excites the sexual drive, is a means for increasing semen production, it heats the liver and the stomach, helps the digestion process, dries the phlegm that is prevailing in the body and it is a means for the increasing of memory power. It is suitable for the coldness of in the liver and stomach and it washes away the harmful effect of eating fruit. It makes the scent better and fends off the harm of thick, cold foods. 

      I have recieved my information from the book "Healing With The Medicine Of The Prophet (Peace be upon him)" written by Ibn Qayyim. We both received information from The Qur'an, and books of Hadith.