Monday 4 November 2013

Zait (Zay-t) (Olive Oil) and Zanjabil (Zaan-jaa-beel) (Ginger)

    "Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things." {24:35)

    At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah narrated that Abu Hurairah related from The Prophet (Peace be upon him) that he said: "Eat the Zait and use it as an ointment, because it is produced by a blessed tree." 

     Zait is hot and wet in it's first degree and it's quality differs on the trees. The best type of olive oil would be when it is squeezed from ripe olives whereas if the olives are squeezed when unripe then the oil will be cold and dry. Red olives would be a means for something that is in between this and black olives would be a means for something that is hot and wet. Zait is is good for many things and amoung them is that it is good for the skin as it makes the skin softer and it is a means for one to look younger. Zait helps against poisons, it is a good laxative, and it is a means of riding the body from worms. If aged then it leans towards being hot and decomposing, When mixed with water it turns less hot, milder, and ibn Qayyim writes that it is then more beneficial. If salty water is blended with oil then it helps burned skin against blistering. 

"And they will be given to drink a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of ginger" {76:17}

                              This Ayah is speaking of what will happen to people in Jannah (Paradise). The Qur'an is extremely detailed when describing Paradise and The Fire which is black.  

     The Companion named Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri (May Allah Be Pleased with him) said, "Ginger is hot in the second degree and wet in the first degree. It heats the body, helps the ingestion process, softens the stomach mildly, helps open the clogs of the liver that are caused by coldness and wetness and helps against the wetness that causes that causes sight impairment, when it is eaten or used as kohl. Ginger in addition strengthens the sexual power and decomposes the thick gases accumulating in the intestines and stomach." 

     If zanjabil is taken with two measures of sugar and hot water then it is a good laxative that is a means of riding the body of harmful excrements. Zanjabil is also effective in ointments that dissolve phlegm. Sour zanjabil is hot and dry and it excites the sexual drive, is a means for increasing semen production, it heats the liver and the stomach, helps the digestion process, dries the phlegm that is prevailing in the body and it is a means for the increasing of memory power. It is suitable for the coldness of in the liver and stomach and it washes away the harmful effect of eating fruit. It makes the scent better and fends off the harm of thick, cold foods. 

      I have recieved my information from the book "Healing With The Medicine Of The Prophet (Peace be upon him)" written by Ibn Qayyim. We both received information from The Qur'an, and books of Hadith. 



  1. I have never heard ginger explained, or referenced to, so complexly.

  2. Do you read lots of books about the prophet? Do you do it just for fun, like leisurely reading?

    1. I love gaining knowledge! It's also mandatory for me to seek knowledge so it's a win win because I love it and I get reward when sharing what I've learnt with others!
