Thursday 31 October 2013

The Two Cures

    There are two types of diseases and two types of remedies. Physical and spiritual. The spiritual side of every human being can be infected and the physical side of every human being can be infected and The Prophet (Peace be upon him) taught both types of remedies for both types of illnesses and when both are put together then there is no remedy which is better. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) encouraged the women in his household to learn medicine and women at the time of The Prophet (Peace be upon him) excelled in medicine. 

Your Lord revealed to the bees: "Build dwellings in the mountains and the trees, and also in the structures which men erect. Then eat from every kind of fruit and travel the paths of your Lord, which have been made easy for you to follow." From inside them comes a drink of varying colours, containing healing for mankind. There is certainly a Sign in that for people who reflect. (Qur'an, 16:69)

     Honey has many benefits and it is a medicine for us humans. Honey is also multi purpose as it is something that a person can drink, eat, and even use as an ointment. Natural honey is much better because it doesn't have any added sugar in it already with the natural sugar that is in honey. Natural honey is also actually sold at stores, maybe a person could look in the section where organic food is sold. There are halal grocery stores located in Kitchener-Waterloo that carry natural honey. Natural honey compared to the honey that's sold in the billy bee bottles taste very different. It can also be bought with the honey combs in the jar if you'd like. I buy this kind because I sometimes like to eat the honey comb. I like to bite the honey comb as it is and eat it but it can be very sweet and it has a waxy taste and texture to it. 
     Honey can be digested very easily due to the sugars in it turning into other sugars such as glucose or fructose. So honey is easily digested even if a person has a sensitive stomach and it is also a means of help for the kidneys and intestines to function better. When a person takes honey mixed with water then it rapidly diffuses through blood. Our brains is the largest consumer of sugar and through the means of the sugar free molecules in honey the brain can work better. It also is a means to provide an important part of energy needed for the body for blood formation. Alongside this benefit, honey also cleans the blood. It's also good for those who have problems with phlegm. Some other benefits of honey is that it is a means to cleanse the liver and chest, it aids in producing urine, dissolves phlegm that comes with coughing, when honey is mixed with water it helps with the bite from a rabid dog and from the consumption of poisonous mushrooms. If someone has head lice and honey is applied then the honey will be a means for killing the head lice and the eggs. Honey also is a means for the addition of beauty and softness to hair and growth of hair. Honey can be a means used to strengthen weak eye sight if used as a kohl, it whitens the teeth, preserves the health and the health of the gums, opens the orifice of veins along with causing the flow of menstruation, honey also cleanses the stomach and is a means of riding the harmful substances, it also heats the stomach mildly and opens up pores. 
      Honey can be used as a means to help with wounds as it absorbs moisture from the air and it also prevents scarring. Honey stimulates the growth of epithelial cells that form the new skin cover over a healed wound. Honey also helps with large wounds and can eliminate the need for tissue transplantation. Honey reduces the swelling around wounds, and it does not stick to the underlying tissue so there is no wreckage of tissue with it's removal (tearing away). Finally honey acts as a protective barrier to be a means of preventing wounds from becoming infected and it also is a means to rapidly clear any existing infections from wounds.

   Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said, "Make use of the two cures: honey and The Qur'an." 
  The Qur'an if recited can remove illnesses. If someone recites The Qur'an then the spit that comes out of their mouth is blessed. A companion was stung by a scorpion and another companion recited the first Surah from the Qur'an and he put spit on the wound and then the companion who was stung got up and began walking and he was okay. The first Surah of The Qur'an is a remedy and so if a woman has her menstruation and she feels pain from it and recites this Surah then her pain will leave. The first Surah of the Qur'an is Named Surah Al-Fatiha (The Opening) and it is also called The Cure and The Remedy. When engaged in Salah (prayer) this Surah is a must to recite as it is a direct conversation with Allah. I make use of The Qur'an and honey and have not taken any prescription medicine since nor have I visited a doctor or been afflicted with much illnesses.
   Allah Says in the Qur'an, "We have revealed in The Qur'an, that which is a healing and mercy to the believers."
     In my next post I will share a personal story. This is Surah Al-Fatiha.


  1. are there any other "super multi-purpose" foods like honey that people commonly use?

  2. Is honey referred to a lot by the Prophet? Are there other reasons why honey is used vs anything else?

  3. Is honey a medicine for everything to you? If youre sick, do you take honey? haha

    1. loool I use honey a lot when! When I'm sick I don't need to take much but I use it a lot like in tea!
