Tuesday 29 October 2013

Charity Isn't Only In Giving Money

     Have you not seen the person who smiles to you when you are having a day in which the events are not to your liking? Does this action of smiling to one another not bring comfort and warmth? Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) had taught us that smiling is charity. When we think of giving charity then the thought of giving money comes to mind and this is charity but it is only one form of charity. In Islam we are taught that smiling is charity, praising Allah is charity, having intimate relations with the wife is also a form of charity. When the companions (May Allah be Pleased with them) wondered how can intimacy with the wife be considered charity; The Prophet (Peace be upon him) explained that if it was out of marriage and not with the man's wife then it would be a sin but when it is done in a manner which is halal (lawful) then it is considered charity.
    The Prophet (Peace be upon him) always made people feel welcomed and happy around him and people loved to be around him. He (Peace be upon him) is a Prophet and he has an entire nation to teach because he wasn't sent for only Arabs but all of mankind and even though he had such a big task he still made time to sit, smile, and laugh with people. When he (Peace be upon him) would laugh then he wouldn't laugh loudly but he would smile and sometimes his smile was so big that the molar teeth would show and when he (Peace be upon him) cried then he didn't make a loud noise but he was quiet and people could hear a faint sound. The companions said that he (Peace be upon him) was always happy. People were drawn to him (Peace be upon him) and when they were with him then they had a different feeling in their chests compared to when they weren't with him (Peace be upon him). A'isha stated that he (Peace be upon him) was always joking in the house.
     Once an older woman went to him (Peace be upon him) and said, " O RasoolAllah (Peace be upon him) (Messenger of Allah) am I going to go to Jannah (Paradise) ?" 
He (Peace be upon him) replied, "Old women don't go to Paradise."
The old woman became very upset and hurt at hearing this and then The Prophet (Peace be upon him) began to laugh and he said, "You're going to go in young and youthful!" 
    At hearing this the woman's heart became calm and she became happy. 
     There was a companion who wasn't the best looking man and he had a low self esteem. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) noticed this about the companion and so he would always speak good of him and put him on another level. Once Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) saw this companion selling in the market place and so he (Peace be upon him) went to the companion and grabbed him from the back and he began to wrestle with him and play with him so that he can feel seen and happy.
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) shouted, "Who's going to buy this slave of mine? Who's going to buy this slave of mine?" 
When the companion saw the hands of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and he recognized the voice of The Prophet (Peace be upon him) then he didn't fight back because he wanted to be very close to him (Peace be upon him) as physically possible.
The companion then said to The Prophet (Peace be upon him), " O Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him), who would want to buy me even if I was a slave?"
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) then turned the companion around and placed his hands on the companion's shoulders and said, " In the Sight of Allah, you are priceless."
     It was the time of 'Eid and everyone was praising Allah and walking to the mosque with happy faces. The children were holding the hands of their fathers but one child was sitting by himself and he was sad. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) went to the little boy and spoke to him and enquired about his sadness. The little boy explained how his father was martyred in a recent battle which took place and that all the other kids are holding their fathers hands but he doesn't have a father to hold his hand. The kid cried and wanted the others to enjoy this day while he was there in sadness. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) then calmed the child and he comforted him with kind words. He (Peace be upon him) then took the hand of the child and walked him to the mosque and when he talked to the people he put the child on his shoulders so that the child may be happy and feel loved.
(  The hands of The Prophet (Peace be upon him) were described to be smoother than silk. Also slave in Arabic  and at the time of The Prophet (Peace be upon him) is different from what we call a slave today )


  1. Was the Prophet constantly making people feel better? Did he ever tell people the harsh truth?

    1. He (Peace be upon him) would always make people feel better and happy but he (Peace be upon him) would also tell them the harsh reality.

  2. I think we do most of our charity work in highschool when we do things to get community hours. it's too bad that most people won't keep it up once they are finished with their community service hours.

    1. And then a lot of people just do it to get their hours done, when I was younger that was why I did things...just to get my hours done. I was so immature lol

  3. I actually really like this post! Personally, I like helping in the community because of the satisfaction it provides the ones I help (and me!) Do you think more than 40 hours should be mandatory in high school?

    1. Hmmm, I think 40 hours is good because when we're new to high school in grade 9 and 10 then most students just want to get it done and over with and some wait until grade 11 or grade 12 to get it done. I don't think 50 hours would be too bad.
