Wednesday 16 October 2013

Romance in Islam {2}

      Today many talk about Romeo and Juliet but at the time of The Prophet(Peace be upon him) the people had a real couple that would be looked up to for their love and respect for one another and these two people were named Abi Zara' and Umm Zara' and The Prophet(Peace be upon him) would express the love he had for his wives and it would make them feel happy. He once said to A'isha, "I am in my love and loyalty to you just like Abi Zara' and Umm Zara'."      
      A'isha replied, "You are dearer to me more than my mother and father, you are even more loyal and loving than Abi Zara' to Umm Zara'."
{There was another story that I intended to share but I'm not quite sure of it's authenticity so I won't share it, if I get to learn more of the authenticity then I'll bring it up in the future.}
     Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) would call A'isha "A'ish" as a nickname and he would also call her Humayra which linguistically means The rosy cheeked one. He would call her this because she was light skinned and would get a reddish sort of tan. Another time The Prophet(Peace be upon him) was fixing his shoes and A'isha looked at his forehead and she noticed that there were beads of sweat on it. She didn't look away and she kept looking to the point where The Prophet(Peace be upon him) asked her, "What's the matter?" 
 She replied, “If Abu Bukair Al-Huthali, the poet, saw you, he would know that his poem was written for you.” 
The Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam asked, “What did he say?”
She replied,“Abu Bukair said that if you looked to the majesty of the moon, it twinkles and lights up the world for everybody to see.”
So the Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam got up, walked to Aisha, kissed her between the eyes, and said, "wAllahi (I swear By Allah) O A'isha, you are like that to me and more."
     Many think that Islam doesn't encourage romance but if one takes the time to read up on the life of Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) then they would see it's the complete opposite. Only a man of honour would treat a woman with honour and only a man of low quality would treat and speak of women in a disgusting way

"And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought." (30:21)

As you might know by now I like to add videos to help explain furthur, this is a  video which explains this topic a bit more. It's a bit long so I will tell which parts to view.
@4:49-6:19, @15:26-17:37, 


  1. Why do you think that people have this generalization that Islam discourages romance?

    1. Hmmm, well it's not really a generalization but for a topic to be spoken of then it should be spoken of holistically incase there is anyone who feels otherwise that goes onto my blog. Since there are a lot of people who visit my blog then I'm not sure who would send the URL to who and then who would come onto it and read and take information. If I generalize on a specific topic and then speak about it holistically then it is easier on the reader and myself. As well as the media propagating a false image of Islam which gives many people the wrong idea. My posts are specific topics with a general explanation though sometimes that will be different.

  2. some of the words/names are hard to pronounce. maybe you could add some pronunciation symbols (like in the dictionary) to help

    1. Good idea! :D I'll do that in the future posts :)

  3. Do you think that this story is similar to the story of Adam and Eve? Do you think they share similarities almost, for each religion?

    1. The story of Adam(Peace be upon him) and Hawwa is also told in the Qur'an but the stories in the Qur'an are told in chunks and Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) told us about Prophet Adam(Peace be upon him) as he is our father. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are Arahamic faiths and in Islam we are allowed to marry a Jewish woman and a Christian woman but there are conditions to it as well. Allah Revealed the original Torah to Prophet Musa(Peace be upon him) and the original Gospel to Prophet 'Isa(Peace be upon him) but Allah States in the Qur'an that the people wrote down their own things and changed the books and they say it's from Allah. So He Revealed the Qur'an which is the final book sent for mankind and He Stated that He Protects the Qur'an as it is the final message. There are differences in the story though like in Christianity it's said that Hawwa (Eve) like enticed Adam to eat from the tree and in Judaism it states that they wore clothing of light but it was later revealed in Islam that Hawwa did not entice Adam to eat and that they wore garments.

  4. Are all of these stories written down in the Qur'an or are they passed down through generations?
