Wednesday 23 October 2013

The Women Amoung Women

“The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) drew four lines and said, ‘Do you know what these are?’ They said, ‘Allah and His Messenger know best.’ He said, ‘The best women of the women of Jannah are Khadeejah bint Khuwaylid, Fatimah bint Muhammad, Maryam bint Imraan and Aasiyah bint Muzahim the wife of Pharaoh.’” [Ahmad]

     Out of all the women that Allah Created there are four women in all of history who were the best to walk this earth. These women are examples of great character from patience to strength to loyalty and modesty to the extent that not only women can learn from them but even men can learn from these women. The stories of these women go into depth and are filled with detail and I cannot do these women any justice by speaking of their stories in a blog post but I will try my best to summarize their stories and show the specific characteristic that stood out to me from them. 

Asiya (As-ee-yeah):
    The wife of the tyrant and criminal Fir'aun (Pharoah) and the step-mother of Prophet Musa (Moo-saa) (Peace be upon him) (Moses).  She found Prophet Musa(Peace be upon him) when he was in the river and she then told Fir'aun if they could take him in to live with them. So Fir'aun agreed. After he grew up Prophet Musa(Peace be upon him) had went to help someone who was in a fight and he punched the other man and killed him. After he accidentally killed this man he left the city and in the time period that he was not in the city he had gotten married and had worked for sometime. He left with his family and then Allah Made him a prophet and told him to go to Fir'aun. He wanted help with his mission that Allah Gave him so he asked Allah to make his brother Harun (Haroon) (Aaron) a Prophet so Allah Accepted and Harun was also a prophet. So they went back to the people to tell them about the religion. Asiya was one of the people who believed in Prophet Musa(Peace be upon him) and she accepted the religion. Fir'aun would want people to worship him and he was angry at this. Fir'aun was a man who threw a woman and her children into a big pot of boiling oil because they believed. Asiya was married to him and he had asked her if she believes and her answer was affirmative. Fir'aun brought his soldiers and he began to whip her and torture her but she stayed firm. There is a hadith that states that he hung her from the ceiling with chains and she asked Allah to build for her a palace in Paradise near to Him ( the du'a which is translated into supplication that she made here is mentioned in the Qur'an )and He Showed her the palace and she began to smile under the torture. She then passed away smiling under this torture. Trust is amazing when you see people smiling after they have passed away in real life. Asiya is an embodiment of strength and courage. 

     Maryam bint Imraan (Maryam the daughter of Imraan) and the mother of Prophet 'Isa ibn Maryam (Peace be upon him) (Jesus the son of Maryam)  is one of the best women to walk this earth. Both men and women need to have modesty. It isn't only the women who must cover in Islam but the men must also cover a certain portion of their bodies and lower their gazes. Modesty is also much more than covering the areas which are to be covered but it is character. A person has to have a modest character as well to be modest. Maryam was very modest but I couldn't do her story justice at all since Allah Has Named an entire Surah after her in the Qur'an. @2:52 - 7:23.


  1. How do you know about all of this? Is this something that would be taught at church or is it something you have just been told, through parents or stories?

    1. Hmmm, this would be touched upon at the Masjids but in general Islam is a religion which is spiritual and academic so this would be studied more in depth in universities and with scholars. My mom is a Non-Muslim and my father isn't really practicing but later on in life, Allah Pulled me towards Him and some amazing things have happened in my life ever since. He Increased me in knowledge very quickly from knowledge of Islam to even secular knowledge. I've watched many lectures from scholars and students of knowledge that were a means of attaining this knowledge.

  2. A lot of these stories resemble the stories that I have grown up with. But, there are some differences. Why do you think that there are stories that appear in both books?

    1. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all Abrahamic faiths. Allah Revealed The Torah to Prophet Musa (Peace be upon him), The Gospel to Prophet 'Isa (Peace be upon him), and The Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). Bani Israel (Children of Israel) over time began to play with what was revealed and change books with their own writing and say it's from Allah. An example would be in the Jewish faith now it's stated that after Allah Created what He Created He became Tired and in the Qur'an Allah Says He does Not Get Tired or Sleep and in Christianity the notion of Prophet 'Isa (Peace be upon him) being a son of Allah came about and Allah Says in the Qur'an that He Has no Son

    2. I have the understanding that the Bible was written before the Qur'an so how is it possible that the Bible has been altered from the Qur'an?

    3. I would just like to say that I don't intend to offend and I appreciate your questions :) (This will be a lot of writing! )

      The Gospel and The Bible are different as The Gospel was Revealed to Prophet 'Isa (Peace be upon him) (Jesus) and part of his mission when Allah Sent him to Bani Israel (Children of Israel) was to confirm what came before (The Torah) and to tell them about who is to come after ( Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him ) ) the other part of his mission he still needs to complete and that will take place in the coming future.

    4. Mithraism was a methodology that people years before believed in. It was based around a "sun god" that was born on December 25th. Those people believed in idolatry and they had believed that this "sun god" could give life, and give life after death. They also believed in something or someone named Mithra who had killed himself for the sins of mankind and so becoming a scapegoat for mankind. Mithra had twelve disciples and these twelve disciples represented the twelve zadaic constellations. So Paul takes the mithraic teaching and puts it into the Christian teaching. In the mithraic teaching those people would also worship the mother of this mithra and when all of this was put into Christianity then it completely changed Christianity. The semetic Christianity then completely changes into a mithraic methodology. There was a man named Augustine and Augustine along with those who followed the Christian faith were bothered at the similarities of Christianity and Mithraism to the point where they wouldn't mention the name of the methodology but would refer to it as the fellow in the cap. Augustine writes that he met a priest from the fellow in the cap and that man said to him that their man is also a Christian. Basically the teachings of Christianity had changed so much that it was basically mithraism rather than Christianity now. Those who followed the Christian faith then wiped out the books, temples, and other things that had to deal with Mithraism. Only in the recent hundred years that scholars, anthropologists, and archaeologists have been digging up all of this and finding out about all of this.

      So when Allah Sent Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) 600 years after Prophet 'Isa (Peace be upon him), He Cleared all of this up in The Qur'an.

      Allah Says in The Qur'an, "The Messiah, son of Mary, was not but a messenger; [other] messengers have passed on before him. And his mother was a supporter of truth. They both used to eat food. Look how We make clear to them the signs; then look how they are deluded." (Surah Al-Maidah (The Table Spread) : 75 )

      "And indeed, there is among them a party who alter the Scripture with their tongues so you may think it is from the Scripture, but it is not from the Scripture. And they say, "This is from Allah ," but it is not from Allah . And they speak untruth about Allah while they know." (Surah 'Ali Imran (Family of Imran) :78)
